Accreditation scopes directly from the accreditation body to users of accredited services.
19/07/2016 11:22
Knut Thomas Sjølie
Accrediation scopes are now published on the NA website. This comes as printed, signed documents are in less demand than in the past. Also there should now be no doubt as the web version is the valid version of the scope at any given time.
What does this mean for user of accredited services?
Users of accredited services can find updated scopes on the NA webpage on the time of purchase of services. This way users can have greater trust in the current validity in the scope presented.
Users also get greater searchability, both within scopes and between similar scopes of prospective suppliers. Old printed, scanned and analog documents are replaced by modern formats.
Where can you find accredited scopes?
All scopes are found here.
The scopes when found are also provided with a static URL for later reference.