Norwegian accreditation Accreditation scope for PERS 020 SOFT Sertifisering AS Postboks 37 Slettebakken 5899 Bergen Telephone: 93283601 E-mail: Internet: The certification body meets the requirements in NS-EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Accreditation was first granted: 23/01/2015 Accreditation requires regular follow-up, and is valid to: 17/09/2029 Accreditation includes: The administrative / geographical unit: SOFT Sertifisering AS Fantoftneset 1 5072 Bergen is accredited for certification of persons according to the following normative documents: Normative document Description Remarks Normative document NS 9600-6:2020 Description Rope access techniques - Part 6: Requirements for certification and certification bodies Remarks Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Safety Leader