Norwegian accreditation

Accreditation scope for

INSP 031

Linde Gas AS

Linde Inspeksjon

Postboks 13, Nydalen
0409 Oslo

Telephone: 23177200
The inspection body meets the requirement in

NS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Accreditation includes:
The administrative / geographical unit:
Linde Inspeksjon
Gjerdrumsvei 8
0484 Oslo

Is accredited as Inspection body type C covering following areas:
Field of inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Field of inspection
Facilities that consume gaseous fuel Gas Type: LPG LNG Nature gases
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om bruk av farlig stoff, Del 1 - Forbruksanlegg for flytende og gassformig brensel:  
Field of inspection
Transfilling of hazardous substances Gas Type: Hydrogen LPG Biogas LNG Natural gas CNG
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om omtapping av farlig stoff: - Chapter 1: Fueling facility, and Chapter 2: Filling facility for propane bottles 
Facility type 2
Field of inspection
Laboratories and Central Gas Facilities for Industrial Gases Type of gas: LPG Hydrogen Acetylene Methane Carbon monoxide Natural gas mixtures Combustible hydrogen mixtures Other petrochemical combustion gases
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om bruk av farlig stoff Del 2 - Kapittel 4 Diverse forbruksanlegg: Laboratories and Central Gas Facility for Industrial Gases 