Accreditation scope for INSP 018 FORCE Technology Norway AS Mjåvannsvegen 79 4628 Kristiansand Telephone: 64 00 35 00 E-mail: Internet: http://www: The inspection body meets the requirement in NS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Accreditation was first granted: 01/02/2006 Accreditation requires regular follow-up, and is valid to: 10/03/2030 Accreditation includes: The administrative / geographical unit: FORCE Technology Norway AS Mjåvannsvegen 79 4628 Kristiansand Is accredited as Inspection body type A covering following areas: Field of inspection Type and Range of Inspection Normative document/scope Remarks/method Field of inspection Approval of permanent joining procedures Type and Range of Inspection new Normative document/scope Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Annex 1, section 3.1.2 Permanent Joining Remarks/method