Norwegian accreditation

Accreditation scope for

INSP 010

Multiconsult Norge AS

Postboks 2274
9269 Tromsø

Telephone: 77 62 26 00
The inspection body meets the requirement in

NS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Accreditation includes:
The administrative / geographical unit:
Multiconsult Norge AS
Kvaløyveien 156
9013 Tromsø

Is accredited as Inspection body type C covering following areas:
Field of inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Field of inspection
Site surveys
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
NYTEK23 (FOR-2022-08-22-1484): Forskrift om krav til teknisk standard for akvakulturanlegg for fisk i sjø, innsjø og vassdrag 
NS 9415:2021
Field of inspection
Certificate for marine fish farms
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
NYTEK23 (FOR-2022-08-22-1484): Forskrift om krav til teknisk standard for akvakulturanlegg for fisk i sjø, innsjø og vassdrag 
NS 9415:2021
Field of inspection
Life extension
Type and Range of Inspection
in use
Normative document/scope
NYTEK23 (FOR-2022-08-22-1484): Forskrift om krav til teknisk standard for akvakulturanlegg for fisk i sjø, innsjø og vassdrag 
NS 9415:2021