Accreditation scope for

INSP 009

Norsk Energi Kontroll AS

Postboks 27 Skøyen
0212 Oslo

Telephone: (+47) 22 06 18 00/ (+47) 46 98 18 02
The inspection body meets the requirement in

NS-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Accreditation includes:
The administrative / geographical unit:
Norsk Energi Kontroll AS
Hoffsveien 13
0275 Oslo

Is accredited as Inspection body type A covering following areas:
Field of inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Field of inspection
Facilities that consume liquid and gaseous fuels Gas Type LPG LNG CNG Natural Gas Biogas
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om bruk av farlig stoff, Del 1 - Forbruksanlegg for flytende og gassformig brensel:  
Field of inspection
Boiler Facilities for steam and hot water systems
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om bruk av farlig stoff Del 2 - Kapittel 2 Kjeleanlegg for damp- og hetvannsystemer:  
Field of inspection
Tank Farms Gas Type LPG LNG
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om oppbevaring av farligstoff - kapittel 2 Tankanlegg - LPG og LNG:  
Field of inspection
Tank Farms Atmospheric Tanks
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9 Temaveiledning om oppbevaring av farlig stoff, Kapittel 1 Tankanlegg Atmosfæriske tanker:  
Field of inspection
Process Facilities
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om tilvirkning og behandling av farlig stoff, Kapittel 1 Prosessanlegg:  
Field of inspection
Biogas Production Facilities
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om tilvirkning og behandling av farlig stoff, Kapittel 2 Biogass-produksjonsanlegg:  
Field of inspection
Refrigeration Facilities
Type and Range of Inspection
new, in use
Normative document/scope
Forskrift om håndtering av farlig stoff (FOR 2009-06-08-602) §9. Temaveiledning om bruk av farlig stoff Del 2 - Kapittel 1 Kulde- og varmepumpeanlegg:  
Field of inspection
Pressure equipment
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Module G: Conformity based on unit verification 
EA 2/17:2020 Annex B, 1 + t + cd
Field of inspection
Pressure equipment
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Module F: Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification 
EA 2/17:2020 Annex B, 1 + t + cd
Field of inspection
Pressure equipment
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Module C2: Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals 
EA 2/17:2020 Annex B, 1 + t + cd
Field of inspection
Pressure equipment
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Module A2: Internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals 
Field of inspection
Pressure equipment
Type and Range of Inspection
Normative document/scope
Directive 2014/68/EU of pressure equipment (PED): Module B: EU-type examination - production type - design type 
EA 2/17:2020 Annex B, 1 + t + cd